Tag Archives: 1 Timothy

1 Timothy wordle

There’s an amazingly good message – that Jesus entered this world to save sinners! (1 Timothy 1:15) At church we have been reading through the book that includes this particular summary.

So I thought to look at the first letter of Paul to Timothy in one easy overview: Wordle.

From ESV text, via wordle.net

You can open a larger view in new window by clicking on this image.

The main words are no surprise: God, Jesus Christ, (the) faith. The next level of words, encouragingly, reflect what I have been saying 1 Timothy is about: godliness of life in God’s household.



A prayer, based on 1 Timothy

Church is going to start a series of Bible talks on 1 Timothy, the letter Paul wrote to his lieutenant. Timothy was sent to help a church in trouble, in Ephesus.

To help us as a church, I put together a prayer that touches on some of the things we learn in this part of God’s word. Here it is.

We praise you, Father, for Jesus.

We know Jesus came to save sinners like us. Jesus is the ransom for all, the one mediator between humanity and God. Jesus is now proclaimed Saviour in all nations, and his grace continues to overflow in great mercy.

We admit our own sins: living against God’s law, love of division, greed and the like. Thank you that faith in Christ is the way to forgiveness and to godliness.

Thank you also for the church, the household of God and buttress of truth. We ask that you help us serve and love the church, because we are your family. Help us all to fight the good fight of faith.

Please hear us, for the sake of the glory of Jesus, Amen.