Perhaps I could start a category called, ‘Odd stuff Christians do’. What I describe here would certainly be part of the list.
Christians keep thinking for other people. And it’s rude, so stop it!
Frequently I’ve heard explanations for action (or inaction) that are simply excuses. ‘If I were a visitor, I’d feel …’ ‘If a non-Christian were to receive this invitation, it would only offend.’ ‘I can’t speak to them, because they aren’t interested.’
All very nice, of course. (You’re right. I’m not using ‘nice’ to be complimentary.)
While cleaning out years of paper from the office, I came across a striking example. Ages ago, I attended a talk that clearly explained why Jesus is so important. The evening had good food and good music. The talk addressed the problem we have with God (our wrongdoing deserving God’s just judgement), as well as God’s amazing grace (God’s just judgement poured out on the cross offers forgiveness).
All in all, the talk was so good because it was not trying to be clever-clever. It simply spoke about problem and solution.
I found the comment cards, and the two complaints. Both Christian.
‘I felt that you gave fire and brimstone, if I was not a Christian I would have fled! God loves these people dearly and it is because of his love not anger that he sent his son.’
From my seat, I saw no mass exodus of guests. People hung around for ages afterwards. It was a great night.
The organisers obviously thought of others: tasty meal, well set-up room, entertainment, etc. The organisers arranged a guest speaker so those interested in Christianity could think for themselves.
I reckon Christians do better when we let people use their own minds, make their own decisions, and live like the adults they are. And it makes things simpler for Christians: because we don’t need to double-guess possible reactions and outcomes, we can concentrate on truth and love.