Great Vic, day three

  • Sumo

Today’s travels saw us ride from Briagolong to Rosedale.

As in so many cycling tours, there have to be transition stages. That’s a day of real riding, but it lies between more notable stages. Today was a classic transition. Yesterday: first long day and a couple of steep pitches. Tomorrow: biggest hills of the ride. Today: generally flat.

Still interesting, though. Starting off was the first time of cloud cover. There was even a vague sprinkle of rain for about 30s. By the finish at Rosedale, we were back in strong sun. The landscape was mostly dairy land, or general farming.

Ruth pointed out some old well-established pines at the front of one farm. So we stopped for a photo, as you can see below.
We’ve seen lots of communities doing things to welcome the Great Vic. Two typical examples, both from today. The Gippsland Mountain Bike club had a BBQ at the top of a small rise. It looked to be near a whole heap of trails, but not near anything else: we were their total target audience. Also, just before the campsite, the whole (?) of Rosedale Public School came out to cheer and high-five the arriving riders.

One more image. I noted yesterday the range of riders and bikes. I took a sneaky photo of my favourite fenders. Very groovy wooden protection from water and mud. I hope you enjoy it too.

Progress distances.
Dad: 22 295km.
The 14 year old: 3851.8km.
The 12 year old: 3306km.