I’ve been reading the law: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy.
And I’ve seen an idea to steal.
So here are some thoughts on reading these Bible books, the foundational five.
- Blessing or cursing. There’s a clear distinction, seen in many ways. For instance what God plans vs. what sin does; what people need vs. what people choose; long-term certainty vs. short-term experience.
- God makes promises, and is steadfast is sticking to his promise. Though God is disappointed in his people, he does not seem to be in a hurry.
- After Genesis, there is so much about tabernacle, priests, sacrifice, etc.
- Plenty of laws. And plenty that don’t have an individual purpose. They seem, instead, to be part of the whole, building a system of law.
- Grumbling, grumbling, grumbling. Gee I hate the sound of wingeing! Israel, in their complaints, even manage to idealise their past slavery.
- Life is tenuous. Death could arrive at any time.
- God speaks. And He spoke regularly and directly to Moses so very often.
- Moses doesn’t make it to the promised land!
- God’s people are so often confused.
- God’s opponents are feckless.