Wilberforce wrote a book

  • Sumo

I know of William Wilberforce as the devoted Christian and dedicated social reformer. He was instrumental in the end of Britain’s slave-trading. But I did not know that he wrote a book – just one.

What do you think it might have been (don’t peek to the quotation!)?

Ok, now peek:

Wilberforce led a life full of good works. Here’s the interesting thing: Wilberforce wrote one book in his lifetime, and it was not on social reform. It was on the doctrine of justification by faith apart from works. He did it because he realized that the way to produce a life of good works and social reform is not to focus first on good works and social reform, but on the source of those good works—which is the gospel. The fact that we are accepted by God apart from works then drives us to do good works because of our gratitude and joy. May all of us be little Wilberforces.

The gospel of Jesus not only restores relationship with God, it then also makes for real love for neighbour.

Whole article, an interview about productivity (!), here.